Everything is an experiment!
Everything is an experiment!
Here we are going to learn the basics of the first principle from my lineage of Tantra. I find that no matter what spiritual orientation you have or follow, this principal works for everyone.
A shorthand way to refer to it is: Everything is an experiment!
Somehow or another, we all came here to planet earth and received a body. From that point on, our lives become a kind of BIG experiment. This action worked really well, this decision over here not so well and so on. Sometimes we’ve paid attention to our personal experiments and many times we haven’t.
In my work, I help people set up, run and become conscious of mini experiments, a laboratory of certain aspects of your life. By practicing setting up experiments, with guidance from me, I find people develop the skills to move towards a life that feels more under their control, and gives them more of what they want and need.
For example, you may be feeling stuck in certain aspects of life, so we might choose a breathing technique in order to “get things moving.” By setting up the experiment of when, where, how long and then most importantly, tracking what happens, we get to see if this experiment is working or if it needs to be shifted. It’s a collaborative process.
The second critical element is to “track” what happens to you when you consciously choose an experiment.
Here are some important points on starting your own experiment –
Be aware of what experiment you are doing, and why you want to undertake this particular journey
Start small – just like exercising your body, your awareness needs toning as well
Turn off the judgemental voice – we all have it, and often it has led us away from joy and real connection
Collect and record the results of your experiment – journal, put a note in your phone, something easy that tracks those “random ah has”
Conscious experiments and tracking the results:
Many of us run through life not being conscious of this big playground we call life and therefore do not reap the benefits of running conscious experiments and therefore gaining the big ah ha’s, or bursts of “spanda” that burst forth. Spanda is a Sanskrit word that is the root of the English word Spontaneous, and wouldn’t we all like to be more spontaneous!
The great thing about this lineage of Tantra is that it is a-moralistic, meaning not based in morality. No one is going to heaven or hell based on a set of rote beliefs handed down for generations from someone saying, “ this here is good, and this is bad.” There’s no good or bad!
Just ways which lead us to freedom and ways that do not.
Go for freedom:
Speaking of freedom! There is no judge or jury outside of yourself. It brings the focus inside ourselves. Only you can say what feels like freedom, no one else. This gives us a sense of responsibility and owning the creations of our life.
This is not to say that there aren’t certain consequences or in a rudimentary way of speaking, Karma if you will. This is true. Your actions will generate karma, so we keep this in mind while we are performing our experiments. But when we are free from the Western concepts of “good and bad,” we get to simply see what “is,” and if that is aligned with our higher self.
Total responsibility:
Another reason I love this principle is that it lets us off the hook and gets us out of resistance. Experiments are a judgement free zone. I find that people have a lot of resistance to certain subjects, like eating clean or exercising, probably because outside sources have wagged the finger at the parts of us that feel unlovable. NO one is telling you you have to do this or that in order to become a good girl or boy, to have the life that you want….you get to set up the experiment and you are ultimately responsible for its results.
Taking total responsibility for the life that you create is one that puts you in the driver’s seat and lets you become the author of your own story, of your life.
Experiments are only useful if we track the results! I’d look forward to hearing about your personal laboratory!