The Grounding and Stabilizing Nature of Earth

The Grounding and Stabilizing Nature of Earth

Our first chakra, the Muladhara Chakra, translates to "root support" or "foundation." This chakra is located in the region of the perineum and it is where our grounding, stability, safety and security reside. This chakra also governs our sense of smell, which is closely tied to our primal instincts and survival. It is the energy centre that anchors us to the physical world and provides the foundation for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The Earth element, or Tattva, is the densest of all the elements and is associated with the Muladhara Chakra, represented by the colour yellow and the shape of a square which symbolises stability, structure, and solidity. The seed sound, or Bija Mantra, for the Earth element is "LANG," which, when properly chanted, vibrates the palate, brain, and cranium, deepening concentration and inner strength.

The element of Earth is dense and solid, giving us the strength and resilience needed to face life's challenges. It influences our bones, flesh, skin, and body hair, providing the physical structure and persistence necessary for growth and development.

When balanced, this chakra fosters a sense of safety, security, stability, and groundedness and a connection to our “tribe.” We have a sense of belonging - not only to our tribe, but an OK-ness of belonging to planet earth. We feel connected to our bodies and the physical world, experiencing a deep sense of trust in life. We can stand our ground, face challenges with resilience, and manifest our goals with determination.

However, when the Muladhara Chakra is out of balance, we may experience fear, insecurity, and a sense of disconnection from the physical world. We may struggle with physical ailments, such as weight issues or lower back pain, and emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression, hypervigilance and possibly even terror. It is essential to engage in practices that harmonise and activate this chakra, promoting a sense of grounding and stability.

Speaking of grounding and stability, the Earth element is symbolised by the elephant, specifically the elephant Airavata, which represents strength, stability, and endurance. This majestic creature, with its seven trunks representing the seven frequencies of light, embodies the qualities of patience, loyalty, and perseverance, which are essential for spiritual growth and development.

Strengthening practices such as breathwork, grounding meditations, asana (yoga postures), and chanting the Bija Mantra "LANG" can help activate the Muladhara Chakra. Visualisation techniques, such as imagining roots extending from the perineum down into the Earth, can also foster a deeper connection to this grounding energy.

The Earth element - being a mixture of the four elements; water, fire, air, and akasha making up the foundation of our physical bodies and the planet. It reminds us of our inherent connection to the natural world. Just as the Earth supports and nourishes all life, our Muladhara Chakra supports and nourishes our entire being. By cultivating a strong and balanced root chakra, we can build a solid foundation for our physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.


Psychedelic Guiding: Embracing the Spiritual Path to Transformation